Monday, March 30, 2020

M m m my Corona schedule

Like most everyone these days, my life has become a series of mostly dull and repeating events, except for the fact that we are on a beautiful island in the Caribbean. I know, you don’t feel the least bit sorry for us, but there are some challenges! Today, for instance, I got the sneaking suspicion from the nice lady at the local market, that the revoking of liquor licenses in St. Lucia, which was announced yesterday, would mean we had to stock up on rum at 10am.

Anyway, in case you are interested in the daily routine of one who is under lockdown in St. Lucia, here goes:

7am - I get up without alarm clock and start the coffee. I sit on our back porch (see below) and read the news. BTW, those are heated towel racks you see in the background there!

8am - There is a VHF radio Cruisers Net run by Marsha, a long time sailor who provides announcements, etc. which these days turn out to be mostly local updates on the virus, like which restaurants are open for takeout or where to get a visa extension when the local customs office has closed.

8:30 on Mon., Wed. & Fri, there was an organized yoga class on this nice porch by the bay, but it’s no longer allowed, so I do my own yoga thing on the bow of our boat on these days.

9am - noon - I go to the local MarketPlace and run other errands since most of the marina stores are only open in the mornings. On my way on and off the docks, I always have a chat with the security folks who are here 24/7 working to protect the marina. We also take care of business at this time (paying bills, figuring out how to vote remotely, etc.) and do boat projects (washing the hull, cleaning canvas, fixing the hose in the head, etc.)

1pm - We usually get around to lunch which is either tuna fish or cold cuts & cheese roll ups, unless one or both Andrew and I are sick of them and just eat a pile of tomatoes before they go bad or buy something at the local Cafe Ole! We have vendors stop by the dock on occasion with huge bundles of fruits and vegetables that they want to sell all at once. Invariably, we have to binge eat something so it doesn’t go to waste!!

2pm - 4:30 - We try to get more projects done or we take the dinghy out for an explore, to fish and/or swim in the Bay. I’ve also had a chance to read some good trashy books during this time.

4:30 - I like to do some laps in the pool before a shower and/or cocktails.

5:30 (ish) - Cocktails and social media hour where we call, mom, the kids, our friends, etc. If you want to get on the list, let us know. We’d love to catch up with you!!!

7pm (or later if Andrew is cooking) - We have dinner. Usually on board. If I’m cooking it’s some quick chicken, pork or beef dish I’ve found in my pressure cooker or Cooking Onboard recipe books. If Andrew’s cooking, it’s often fish purchased locally from a fisherman or some other creation. On occasion we take advantage of the local restaurants that provide take-out (great pizza at Elena’s cooked in an outdoor brick oven by Alex, from Naples, Italy.)

8pm - French class. Even though we are no longer in the French islands, I’ve decided to keep up my 57 day streak on DuoLingo, just for the heck of it.

9:30pm - Clean up and make phone calls to other night owls or go to bed and repeat the whole schedule the next day!

So that’s a day in the life of a couple of sailors that are stranded in St. Lucia!! Like you, we don’t know when life will get back to our normal, which means we don’t know when we will be leaving and come home again.

Here’s hoping we see you all sooner than later in better circumstances!!!

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