Friday, December 20, 2019

Fixing boats in exotic places

A Salty Dawg once said to me that cruising was just another term for fixing boats in exotic places. I would add ‘eating’ in exotic places! And, it certainly is nice to be in Jolly Harbor Marina with all of the conveniences that a cruiser needs (good chandlery and grocery store, clean bathrooms w/ showers) and some nice amenities (good security, a selection of decent restaurants/bars, fresh food markets and boat services nearby).

Since arriving from Saba, we’ve had some nice meals on shore (pizza & California salad at Melini’s, Mousaka and Fish Platter at Acropolis and we’ve prepared some nice meals on board (Andrew’s wahoo in a buttery peach chutney sauce and Mahi/Grouper served over a bed of cabbage salad) but we’ve also done a lot of cleaning and fixing. We’ve washed the boat inside and out, treated rust stains, replaced the missing screws on the spinnaker pole, re-flaked the main, washed & dried lines, etc.

With Andrew’s back and leg still an issue, we have decided to haul the boat, get some needed work done and extend our visit home over Christmas/New Year’s to schedule doctors appointments etc. So, don’t expect to hear much from me over the next month, however let me know if you’re in the Philadelphia area and want to get together!

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